Two ways to lower the cost of your dental bills

Certain types of dental treatments can be very costly. Here are two things you can do to keep your dental bills as low as possible. Never skip a check-up One of the best ways to avoid having to pay for costly complex dental treatments is to make sure that you always attend your routine check-up appointments. During this appointment, a dentist will thoroughly examine your teeth and gums for signs of disease, decay and damage. [Read More]

4 Activities You Should Stop While Your Dental Implants Heal

When you exercise regularly, stopping for any length of time is difficult. In order to stay in optimal shape, your body needs constant exercise. Stopping is like pushing a reset button. However, if you are planning to get a dental implant or have recently had an implant installed in your jawbone, you need to take extra care not to disturb the healing process. That means that for at least the first few days, you should avoid strenuous exercise. [Read More]

Do Root Canals and Dental Crowns Always Go Hand in Hand?

Just because a tooth is a candidate for a dental crown that doesn't automatically mean that it will also require a root canal procedure. A dental crown, whether metal and ceramic, zirconia, or porcelain is a dental restoration and so as long as conditions are ideal, no root canal should be necessary either before or after crown placement. However, in some circumstances a dentist may need to perform a root canal either before or after crown placement. [Read More]

A Family Dentist Provides Oral Care to the Entire Family

Oral and dental care is important for the entire family. Everyone is prone to experiencing tooth and gum problems, from the young toddlers to their grandparents. Rather than running up and down to seek dental services whenever any of you experience dental issues, it can be a great option to have a one-stop shop for your family's oral needs. This is where a family dentist comes in handy. A family dentist is a professional who is licensed to address the dental needs of people of all ages. [Read More]