Can Dental Veneers Contribute to Bad Breath?

A dental solution to significantly improve the appearance of a tooth while also giving it an added layer of protection — sounds great, doesn't it? This is what dental veneers do, and they'll look amazing and feel great. So why is it that they might not smell great? A spike in bad breath won't happen immediately after your dental veneers have been installed, but at some point, some patients might begin to notice an unpleasant odour in their mouth. [Read More]

Has Your Dentist Recommended Amalgam Fillings? Here Is All You Need to Know!

Tooth decay is an issue many people are at risk of since it is caused by a variety of issues, ranging from improper oral hygiene and bacterial infections to continual exposure to sugar and more. Once the decay sets in, it leads to tiny holes in the tooth that will only get progressively worse if not treated. While composite resin is the leading compound employed by dentists to fill these cavities, you should know that you have an alternative solution in the form of amalgam fillings. [Read More]

Are Your Dentures Cracked or Broken? What to Do Next

Modern dentures are made to withstand normal wear and tear. If you break yours, however, it is only natural to hope that they can be repaired. People are increasingly concerned about their smiles in this digital age, which has made dentures a convenient option to replace missing teeth. Although dentures are often associated with the older generation, surveys have shown that young people have them fitted as well. For example, a 2019 survey found that 14% of people aged between 18 to 39 have dentures. [Read More]

Why Your Gum Tissue Is Covering Part of Your Wisdom Tooth

Wisdom teeth are the last teeth to erupt into the jaw. And for most people, this occurs somewhere between the ages of 18 and 21. Unfortunately, because wisdom teeth are the last of the full set of 32 teeth to erupt, they sometimes encounter problems with spacing. This issue usually results in a painful condition called impaction, where a tooth only partially erupts. If one of your wisdom teeth has only partially erupted, you are probably in significant pain. [Read More]