Receding Gums: 2 Possible Causes

When your dentist performs a routine dental check-up, as well as cleaning and inspecting your teeth, they will also check your gums. Your dentist will measure the depth of your gums to check for signs that they are receding. Bleeding gums which have a depth of between 3 to 5 mm are categorised as receding. If you have been diagnosed with receding gums, it is important that you take steps to halt the damage which is being caused. [Read More]

4 Reasons Your Child May Develop Crooked Teeth

Your child's first set of teeth don't just help them to speak and eat; they also act as a placeholder for the adult teeth which will follow in a few years time. If the baby teeth are crooked, this could lead to the adult teeth becoming crooked also. Depending on the severity of the misalignment, your child may require braces to correct the issue. Below is a guide to 3 possible reasons why your child's teeth have become crooked. [Read More]

Baby Teeth: 4 Reasons They Deserve Good Care

Baby teeth are the first feeding accessories that your child will develop after birth. They go by a variety of names, including deciduous, milk and primary teeth. Baby teeth grow and emerge in a particular order. The first ones in line are the lower central incisors, which emerge as a pair on the front lower gum line. These two are followed their opposite counterparts on the upper jaw. The upper lateral incisors then follow, and they are succeeded by their lower counterparts a few months later. [Read More]

An Apple a Day Keeps the Dentist Away!

Due to the recent hype about low-carb and low-sugar diets, many people are wondering whether they should cut down on the amount of fruit they eat. From a dental health point of view, surely all the sugar contained in fruit can't be good for your teeth? The truth is that eating certain types of fruit can actually be good for your dental health. Before you say goodbye to guavas and bananas for good, take a look at these four key facts. [Read More]