
Mouth Breathing and Tooth Decay: How Sleeping with Your Mouth Open Speeds up Tooth Decay

If you have a habit of sleeping with your mouth open, you have more to worry about than just swallowing spiders and drooling on your pillow. Not only does sleeping with your mouth open reduce the quality of your sleep, but it also lowers the pH of your entire body. A low pH weakens the overall efficiency of your body and leaves you feeling sluggish. Your teeth also suffer as a result of a lowered pH, and you may be more prone to tooth decay as a result.

Why Dental Implant Procedures Are Revolutionary

It's little wonder that people call this the age of technology. Development occurs at breakneck speed and before you know it, something that was billed as revolutionary a few years back has been replaced and further improved. Nowhere is this pace of development more evident than in the world of dentistry. If your last recollection of dental surgery was some time ago, you would be amazed at what's changed. Both materials and procedures have been improved significantly in the last decade and the modern-day dental surgery is a groundbreaking place.

Health Benefits of Seeking Orthodontic Treatment

The primary function of orthodontic treatment is to straighten your teeth. Thus, it is not surprising to find some people tend to associate these treatments with younger patients who may have their teeth growing abnormally. In reality, orthodontic treatment is necessary no matter what age you are as the alignment of your teeth can have a considerable impact on your overall health. So what are some of the benefits of seeking tooth-straightening treatments?

When Removing Tartar Reveals a Gap: What to do when a Dental Cleaning Leaves a Gap between Your Teeth

Part of your dental hygiene routine should include a dental cleaning and scaling at least twice a year in order to remove tartar build-up from your teeth. However, many people simply don't have the time or the inclination to have their teeth cleaned as often as that. What may then happen is that when they finally do get around to having their teeth cleaned, they find that there is a gap between their teeth that wasn't there before.

What to Avoid When You Need to See an Emergency Dentist

Never overlook any type of dental emergency, as even a minor cut or gash, if left untreated, can lead to a serious infection in the mouth. An immediate trip to the emergency clinic can also mean less risk of permanent tooth loss and other such long-term damage. However, if you ever do experience a dental emergency, note a few things to avoid before you go, so you have the best possible outcome.

Questions to Ask an Emergency Dentist Before Visiting

When you've suffered a dental emergency, you don't want to wait too long before visiting a dental clinic, or even your local hospital's emergency room. If a tooth has fallen out, a dentist may be able to suture it back into place if you get to his or her office quickly enough, and some dental emergencies can signal severe problems that should be treated immediately, such as an infection, chipped bone, or broken jaw.

False Teeth: They're Not Just for Grandad!

When you think of dentures or false teeth, who do you picture? Chances are it's a little old lady or an elderly man, but that's actually not always the case. Dentures are used to replace missing teeth in all sorts of different people, of different ages and from all walks of life. Younger people often feel embarrassed about having dentures because of the stereotypes attached to them. One of your friends could even have dentures—they just might not have mentioned it!

All There Is to Know About Adjusting Your Child's Palatal Expanders

There are multiple orthodontic procedures done to correct various dental problems. Palate expansion is a procedure that involves the use of a device, a palatal expander, to widen the upper jaw. By so doing, palatal expanders act to correct three major dental conditions: crossbite, overcrowded teeth, and tooth impaction. Palate expanders are usually most effective when used on children whose jaws are still developing. If your child has palate expanders, you need to turn or adjust them for the expansion to work.