Tooth Tips for Later Life

Main Differences Between Invisalign and Clear Braces

Despite Invisalign and clear braces being two distinctive orthodontic treatments, there are a number of people who get confused as to which is which, some even assuming that it is the same treatment. This confusion is not surprising because if you were to carry out an internet search on clear braces, more often than not Invisalign braces are the images that will pop up. However, despite their similarity in appearance, Invisalign and clear braces are uniquely different. Below are a few of the main differences between these orthodontic treatments:


One of the major differences between these two treatments is that Invisalign braces can be removed as needed, whereas clear braces will have to stay in place or the duration of the treatment course. Clear braces are characterised by having brackets similar to their metallic braces counterparts. Therefore, despite being discreet, they brackets are supposed to stay in place or a particular period of time for the treatment to be successful. Invisalign braces, on the other hand, comprise of aligners that can easily be slipped on and off your teeth. Therefore, if you have Invisalign braces, you have the flexibility to take them off and brush your teeth as usual after every meal.

Number of adjustments

Another significant difference that you will notice between Invisalign and clear braces is the frequency at which you would have to get the orthodontic treatments adjusted. With Invisalign braces, you would have to visit your dentist after several weeks or the aligners to be tightened. This tightening will be performed on a scheduled basis, which translates into routine visits back to your dentist. Clear braces, on the other hand, do not need any adjustments. Unless your clear braces are exceptionally uncomfortable, the dentist will only tighten them a few times during the course of the treatment. Additionally, you will be expected to wear clear braces or much longer than Invisalign aligners.

Severity of dental problems

Invisalign is an attractive option for patients as it is capable of addressing an assortment of dental problems including gaps in your teeth, crowded teeth and the remedying of overbites and underbites. Nevertheless, Invisalign is not designed to cater to severe dental cases that would require intensive orthodontic treatment. Clear braces are made from strong ceramic materials, which coupled with the brackets exert more pressure on the teeth when compared to Invisalign. As a result, clear braces are capable of remedying serious dental issues such as malocclusions, cross bites, severe misalignment and more.  

Contact your local dental clinic for more information and assistance. 
