Tooth Tips for Later Life

Invisalign: Process and Benefits

Invisalign or clear aligners are transparent dental braces made up of flexible thermoplastic material. They are thin and clear becoming almost invisible in the mouth. The Invisalign aligners are a form of dental braces, used to adjust teeth. 

What is the Invisalign treatment process?

The Invisalign treatment is done by an orthodontist or a dentist. At first, the dentist takes a mold of the patient's teeth to create a digital scan. According to the scan, different stages are marked until the desired results are reached. On the report of the scan, an aligner tray is made that fits the specific tooth structure of the patient. The dentist will use 3D impressions of teeth to configure the alignment of the aligner trays. Depending upon the progress, the dentist will suggest the time the aligners should be worn. Generally, an aligner tray is to be worn for 1 to 2 weeks, then it is replaced by a new one. The Invisalign aligners are gentle and gradually fixes teeth to the desired position. 

How is this treatment different from other teeth straightening treatments?

Every tooth straightening treatment may cause a little discomfort because they work by pushing teeth at the right place. Invisalign aligners put gentle pressure on teeth, hence making them comfortable. 

The Invisalign aligners tray fits the teeth by snuggling the gums. They don't require any brackets or wires for attachment, therefore it doesn't require cutting the gums. The Invisalign aligners are easily removable unlike traditional braces, so there is no fuss while playing sports or eating. 

How long does Invisalign treatment take?

The length of treatment may vary depending upon the complexity of the case. On average, the process may take from 12 months to 18 months, but you could start to see your new bright smile as soon as 6 months. For desired results, Invisalign aligners are suggested to be worn 20-22 hours per day. 

What are the eating restrictions while on Invisalign treatment?

In the case of traditional braces, food gets stuck in them and it's really difficult to clean them. These clear aligners are easily removable so there are no food restrictions. You just have to remove your aligners before eating your favorite food. 

Why choose Invisalign clear aligners?

  • They are nearly invisible. 
  • They are easily removed while eating and brushing teeth.
  • The process is faster than normal braces treatment.  
  • It moves the teeth gradually, and causes less discomfort. 
  • Unlike with traditional braces, maintaining oral health is easy.
