Tooth Tips for Later Life

Follow These Easy Tips to Keep Your Invisalign Trays Clear

Many problems with crooked or misaligned teeth can be dealt with using Invisalign braces. Most patients prefer these over regular braces since they are completely transparent and promise relatively fast results. As such, you can wear Invisalign braces without anyone noticing – they aren't even attached like normal braces. 

However, Invisalign trays aren't immune to staining. If you don't take care of them, you might notice them turning a little yellow. That isn't going to affect your final results, but it can make the trays themselves more conspicuous and upset the appearance of your smile. Of course, this is an issue most people never face, and you don't need to worry if you take care to follow these tips.

Clean Them Every Day

Invisalign trays should be cleaned whenever you brush your teeth. Luckily enough, it's a very easy process. You simply use toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to work around the tray in small, circular motions. Don't make the mistake of only brushing the side that touches your teeth – your Invisalign trays should be brushed all over to prevent stains.

Rinse Your Trays When You Remove Them

One of the great things about Invisalign trays is that you can remove them when you need to eat. However, you shouldn't just take them out and lay them on the bathroom counter. Instead, rinse them thoroughly to get rid of any saliva and plaque that may still be on the surface. Away from the moist conditions inside your mouth, saliva and plaque will quickly harden.

Avoid Anything That Stains

Invisalign trays are designed to resist staining. Unfortunately, just like your natural teeth, they can be slightly discoloured by common staining compounds. For example, drinking red wine or coffee while you have your Invisalign trays in can lead to problems. Additionally, any residue can be trapped between the trays and your teeth, so try to avoid eating or drinking anything notorious for staining teeth until your treatment is over – if you can't avoid them, at least practice moderation.

Rinse Your Mouth Before Putting Them In

Finally, make sure your teeth are clean before you put your Invisalign trays in. If you don't, any food and debris stuck in your mouth may adhere to the trays and discolour them. Brush and floss regularly, and make sure you rinse out with water after small meals and snacks. It doesn't take long, and it makes sure your smile stays looking its best.
