Tooth Tips for Later Life

3 Essential Tips for Maintaining & Using Clear Aligners

You should think about using clear aligners if you are planning on having your crooked teeth straightened. Unlike metal braces, clear aligners are not conspicuous when in use. Therefore, your dental appearance will not be significantly compromised during the period of treatment. Also, these aligners can be removed as required, ensuring comfort when eating. In most cases, aligners work efficiently and ensure that the teeth are straight and appealing after the treatment period is completed. However, the results can be affected by poor use of the dental devices.

Here are essential tips to help you get the best results when using clear aligners.

Use for the Recommended Period

Clear aligners will only work when used consistently. Therefore, you should not remove your aligners unnecessarily during the treatment period. A cosmetic dentistry will recommend the ideal length of time within which you must wear the device per day.

You should note that if you do not use the aligners for the optimal period, you will cause a significant delay in the treatment. As a result, your teeth straightening timeframe will be extended, and the cost of treatment will rise. You should also remember to switch to the next aligner in the series of devices once the current fulfils its purpose.

Remove before Eating and Drinking

You should not keep your aligners on while eating or drinking. In general, aligners are comfortable when worn over the teeth. Therefore, numerous people choose to ignore their presence during meals. Unfortunately, this practice can be highly detrimental to the treatment and your oral health. When eating, you might put undue pressure on the aligners, causing personal injury or device damage. Also, you should note that food particles and sugar residues in drinks will get trapped in the aligner plates if they are not removed during meals.

The trapped compounds will promote the build-up of bacteria. Over time, your teeth will be more vulnerable to cavities. Additionally, the aligners can get stained due to contact with dyed foods.

Maintain Good Dental Hygiene

Finally, you should keep your oral cavity clean during the treatment period to prevent the accumulation of dirt and microbial organisms on the aligning plates. You should brush your teeth thoroughly before wearing your aligners. It is also important to floss to eliminate harmful build-up in the gaps. If you cover the teeth while the surfaces are covered by bacteria, decay will eventually occur. Additionally, you should clean your clear aligners as recommended by your dentist before wearing and after removal.
